Who Needs Rollercoasters
Flag one down. Get a price. Bargain. Hop on. Hang on for dear life. Against the advice of a cab driver in Lagos, I ride an okada in Kano. "If you must," he had said, "then pick well. Don't pick a Hausa boy. Make sure
Oldies Aren’t The Only Goodies
I'm embarrassed to admit I have never seen Citizen Kane (1941). Yes, I know for a filmmaker that's sacrilege. I found my love of making movies late. Yes, I'm aware that's just an excuse, but I'm using it anyway. I've often
The Toughest Interview Yet
A year into making One Day I Too Go Fly, I've filmed enough interviews with students, parents, and mentors, and met with enough administrators and teachers that I expect nerves to be a thing of the past. I'm therefore surprised
A Twist Of Fate
I could kiss the hand - God's, my ancestors' or the UK consular's - that delayed my UK transit visa in June. That delay prevented me from flying out with Philip to Nigeria in July, and consequently fixed a flaw
The Urge To Stop Filming
Being a one man crew has advantages on the ground. I am nimble on my feet. Using available light I shoot handheld with my trusty Canon XHA1. For sound I mount a Rode shotgun mic on the cam, or plant
Lagos, Centre Of Excellence
Everything looks so familiar, but I don't recognize any of the streets. The main signs reminding me that I'm not quite home yet, that I'm not in Accra, are the okadas and kekenapeps (motorcycle and rickshaw taxis) that are everywhere
Mission. Impossible?
Monday. The start of the fifth and final week of Exposure Robotics League (XRL). The secondary schoolers just found out details of their final challenge. It will be a rescue mission. A mine has collapsed and trapped some miners. The students
First Time In Nigeria
"First time in Nigeria?" The question comes not from the seat next to me, nor from the one in front of me, but rather from the one behind me. My eagerness and anxiety are apparently clear in my craned neck
It is my third trip to the clinic in a month. The third time is indeed a charm. A sharp prick is followed by an extended sting as the nurse pumps the inoculation into my arm. Then I'm required to